A fish hook drops down in front of you as you read this, baited with three pieces of paper offering: 

Four-hour work week!
Live the life of your dreams!
Manifest your desires now!

You bite the hook and are soon lifted into new realms, a fish out of water.

Years later……..

You have now devoured personal development books and seminars and retreats. Your new life begins to flow…

You get the car.
You get the house.
You even get the partner!

You are no longer the small fry you once were—you have changed so much you might as well be a different person. Perhaps you are even the Big Fish in your organization now.

Yet you are busier than ever, and your mind protests certain half-met promises:

Four-hour work week!
Live the life of your dreams!
Manifest your desires now!
(What other coaching industry ads have you swallowed whole?)

Perhaps it is time to get unhooked from the fantasies that set you in motion?

You are a leader, and with a full calendar and open heart you lead. So be it.

Take a deep breath. Notice the images of a fantasy life floating through your mind… they are just thoughts. Believing thoughts abets suffering. Notice any resistance or stress, and allow it to simply be there. Emotions do not dictate action. Unhook from your painful dissent with reality, and instead experience your vastness. Bask in the pure awareness in which this leadership experience arises moment to moment.

Take a deep breath. You are vast. Choose to participate in this reality as it is right now and you will find the well-being you seek.


Note: Shenpa is a Tibetan term, translated by Pema Chödron as “the urge, the hook, that triggers our habitual tendency to close down.” An excellent article on the topic is available here.

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